Legendary Libraries
for Legendary Aircraft
The Legendary Libraries are a way for us to service this very large product, and also give you, the customer, new and interesting items. The whole concept of Legendary Aircraft is that when you buy the core Legendary Aircraft CD, you are not just getting the initial release, but it is almost like you are getting a subscription at the same time. What we plan to do here is offer new aircraft and other fun elements that will make Legendary Aircraft a great value and a lot of fun. If you have a USA release, you only need Library1 and the Gauges Library. Download the latest libraries The libraries are available in 3 downloads. Library 1 is for the Modern Airliner collection, Library 2 is for all the other aircraft, and the Gauges Library are for anything panel or gauges related. Click on the links below to download. After you download, make sure you have your Legendary CD ROM handy. After download is complete, run the file you download to install the updates. Library1.exe
(for Modern Airliners updated 09/10/00) - 2.85 MB Library2.exe (For all the other fleets) - 2.9 MB Please note that the aircraft updates are installed into the TLAS 2000 folder in FS2000 and is accessed as needed, so once a library update is installed you do not need to re-install it, unless the library itself has been updated. Also note that all Legendary aircraft which are installed will need to be removed and reinstalled through the main Legendary program interface for the changes to take affect. These initial aircraft libraries update many flight models, animations, and other items Gauges Library 06/28/00 - 1.6 MB The Gauges library is for all releases of Legendary for FS2000. The changes are as follows: 1. Fixed Glass cockpit FMC Exec feature. 2. Made Autopilot readouts more legible in all resolutions. 3. Provided a new Runway data file that corrects discrepancies in distance measurements. 4. Included a new GPSadd.exe program (installed into the FS2000 root folder). This adds the FS2000 GPS to Legendary panels that do not have it. We do not alter the panel layout, but you can select the GPS through the menus or by pressing Shift + 3 (the number part will vary on different panels). The utility is easy, and you can select only one Legendary panel to add the GPS to, or all with a single button press. Do note that some panels in Legendary already have the GPS and these are unaffected by the utility. |
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